Zany zebra jasper skull, street signage and rainbow fluorite skulls contemplating life
"Hello, love." The welcoming shopkeeper greeted me as I walked in, mouth agape, trying to take in the kaleidoscopic sanctuary of crystal craniums.
"I can't believe you exist!" I blurted out. "Well not you, per se, but the store. There's so many skulls in here, it's just crazy!"
Peering out from within illuminated wooden shelves were dozens of exquisitely carved skulls, fashioned from materials as diverse as black obsidian, Australian jasper, lapis lazuli, orange calcite and blue aventurine. Some designs were so big, they required two hands just to hold them. Others could fit into the palm of your hand. If visitors didn't connect with any of the human-shaped crystal skulls, there were dozens of dragon, wolf, bird, horse and alien skulls on offer.
"Oh my goodness!" I cried out, having only just noticed what was by the entrance to the store. "That's got to be the biggest skull in the world!"
"That's Nexus," the shopkeeper explained. "She's the largest crystal skull in Australia. Isn't she a beauty? She's carved from Madagascan rose quartz and is a very powerful lady."